Tarot Tips and Tricks to Maximize Readings

Hey Starlights! These past few days have got me really thinking about very important things I do to maximize each of my readings.  So here I am today, with this new blog post, to share them with you.  Here is a list of things I do to get the most out of each reading.
Before each reading, I like to take 3 deep breaths and ground myself.  Get in the zone.  I mentally connect with my Spirit Guide.  You should too.  You can connect with yours, or angels or Spirit in general, as you prefer.  Years ago I meditated on the name of my spirit guide and have done many meditations + visualizations with him to gain a deeper connection. I have grown a bond with him even though I am not clairaudient.  I FEEL his presence + messages.  That's all.  YET it has helped me tremendously to ask for his help BEFORE each reading.  Knowing that he is with me has seriously improved my readings!  I establish that connection and then I move on to the next tip.
Years ago, I used to just pull out cards randomly without ever assigning card positions.  I never wanted to or felt it would help.  I was very impulsive with no clear outlines of a spread.  How could you have a clear reading without a clear spread?  You can but it is really difficult to read and then you are left asking your client a ton of annoying questions for clarification.  For example:  Your client asks you for a general reading.  You pull some court cards and pips.  You have no idea how the cards relate to each other or how you should read them.  Maybe you decide to read them from left to right as a story but its not clear before shuffling so you just wing it and hope it makes sense to her.  This is not ok.  You must know exactly what you are doing before you start.  I strongly suggest having a spread already in mind before starting so you can mentally prepare yourself for the picking of each card.  Then you will have a much more direct reading which easy to decipher + translate to your client because each card has it's own position and purpose.  This is especially true for general readings.  This way you know what you're reading and why you're reading it.
Without intention, you get murky readings.  Period.  Before you start, while shuffling, intend to read your cards with the specific spread AND whether you will read reversals, cards that pop out, if you'll use a significator, etc.  All these factors must be decided beforehand.  You must set your intention so you can receive the perfect answers.  This not only makes reading easier, but much clearer as well.  Trust me!
So many times I would ask something really quickly without concentrating and it wasn't even a real full sentence.  Then I get a card that makes no sense because my question barely made any sense!  Guys, please remember that you must shuffle into your cards a specific question.  The cards will answer the exact question you ask.  If you want a great detailed reading, then ask a great question!  It really is that simple!

Last but not least, concentration is so important.  You must be truly connected to your cards and concentrating on your question while shuffling, pulling and reading.  You must get in the zone to allow the cards to speak to you.  It is not only about memorizing tarot card meanings but also using your intuition.  The cards wont speak to you unless you are concentrating.  I personally like it to be quiet.  However I don't need an alter or crystals, I don't light candles all the time, yet I am always concentrating and focusing.  Do whatever works for you and gets the job done!

Let me know if you have other tips you'd like to add to this list or if you do these already! I look forward to hearing from you!
Love + Light
