Neapolitan Cards - Divinatory Meanings

Neapolitan cards, or le carte napoletane, have been in my life since I could remember.  Having parents who were Italian immigrants, they only used these cards in the house.  Usually after dinner or on holidays when we had family over, we'd whip out these cards and play different games.  These cards weren't only used just for fun though.  My grandparents used them to predict the future.  They were very intuitive, especially my grandmother who always had prophetic dreams.  My grandfather on the other hand had a particular secret spread he used to ask questions and which to this day has NEVER been wrong!
These meanings were given to me by my grandmother who read the cards from left to right, similar to Lenormand.  The usual line is 3 cards, or you can use 5 or 7.  I prefer 3.  It's short, sweet and to the point.
Let's take a look at the meanings:

♠️SPADE♠️  (Spades/Swords)- problems, pain, tears, heartbreak, obstacles

Asso (Ace)- Powerful, protection, strength, significant, pay attention, important, warning
2- arguments, misunderstandings, conflict, separation
3- cheating, meddling, 3rd party influence, betrayal
4- inactivity, a halt, waiting, no action, illness
5- loss, endings, changes causing tears, rupture, cutting, break-ups, mishaps, accidents
6- obstacles, blocks, restrictions, external influences, hinderance, inability to move forward, regrets, living in the past, emotional baggage
7- depression, sadness, suffering, grief, great problems, burdens, pain, uncertainty, clouded thinking, alcohol + drugs
Fante/Donna (Woman)- gossip, lies, a female enemy/rival, ex-wife/gf
Cavallo (Knave)- a man who is cunning, only cares about himself, can't be trusted, enemy, false person
Re (King)- authority, man in uniform, gov't official, police, doctor, ex hubby/bf, the Law

♦️DENARI♦️  (Diamonds/Pentacles)- money, career, communication, contracts

Asso- money, finances, wealth, business, commerce, shopping
2- unions, contracts, partnerships, marriage 
3- little by little, increase, growth, branching out
4- letter, written communication, paperwork, faxes, documents, paper, information, messages
5- good luck, opportunity, chance, on the upswing , wheel of fortune, positive energy, attraction, Law of Attraction, accolades, recognition, 
6- gifts, assistance, help, support
7-YES, success, realization of goals/wishes, abundance, achievement, dreams come true
Fante- female friend/acquaintance, coworker, in-law
Cavallo- news, delivery man, the post, visitor
Re- male friend/acquaintance, coworker, boss, in-law

♥️COPPE♥️  (Hearts/Cups)- love, family, affection, emotions 

Asso- love, heart, happiness, affection, sentiments, passion, fondness, pleasure
2- couple, relationship, mutual compatibility, harmony
3- child, new beginnings, small, innocence, early stages, youth, immature
4- home, house, family, domestic environment
5- improvements, positive changes, transitions, pregnancy, birth
6- the past, memories, healing, forgiveness
7- emotions, intuition, feelings, true love, inner self, wishes
Fante- sister, mother, female relative, dear friend
Cavallo- friend, faithful, loyal, supportive person/situation, sincerity
Re- father, brother, male relative, dear friend

♣️BASTONI♣️  (Clubs/Wands)- goals, projects, work, studies, friends

Asso- work, job, effort, will
2- crossroad, indecision, options, double 
3- meetings, verbal communication, conversations, speaking, phone calls, chatting, discussions
4- security, stability, reliability
5- health, well-being, energy levels
6- gatherings, events, outdoors, parties, groups, socializing
7- studies, education, knowledge, facts, the mind 
Fante- female significator, friend, lover, coworker
Cavallo- travel, trip, vacation, movement
Re- male significator, lover, friend, colleague


Shuffle the cards however you like. There's no "right" way.  The only "right" way is what feels best for you.  Cards are a very personal thing. 

Let's say you ask "Will I get the job?" and you pull:
Re di Bastoni (King of Clubs) + 6 di Coppe (6 of Hearts) + 4 di Denari (4 of Diamonds)

Male colleague/boss + past + letter

A male employer from your past sends you a letter or reaches out to you regarding the job.  It could be for an interview.  Seeing that the 4 of Diamonds, which is a letter, ends the line, we have communication or documents so it could be a contract. Use your intuition and read the line from left to right.  If the employer is not from the past or a previous job the 6 of Hearts refers to a time period of "soon".  So it'll happen soon!

Using the same cards but if the question is "What's my love life going to be like within the next month?" :
A male love interest from the past sends you a letter or text message.  He will reach out to you. If you are a male, then the King represents you.  You reaching out to someone from the past.

Let me know if you try using these cards or if you have any questions!

Sara xoxo


  1. OMG! Thank you for this. I love this deck and have been wanting to use it for divination <3

  2. awesome, thank you for this, I have been having a hard time finding info on using this deck for reading with. I love the Italian cards. My fam is half Italian as well. I just starting trying to read with them, and have just been winging it.

  3. Was wondering if you read the cards with a revered meaning when they are drawn reversed?

  4. I remember my grandmother laying them all out in 5 row 8 in each row and she would point to a woman then the cards closest to her was the answer of the future ...can anyone help with who the person is dealing and asking the question/intention of the cards

  5. I am so interested in learning more and more about this deck, can't find any other information on the Internet except this, thank you! I would love to learn more about the spreads and reading them in this style!

  6. Joanna Panzera said “My Grandmother used to always read my cards and my mother hated it!”


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