Reading Tarot Cards Intuitively with your Clairs- Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

 Hey Starlights!  I want to talk to you about the different ways of reading tarot cards..specifically intuitively or using traditional meanings.  I feel like many tarot readers are divided on this subject or use both ways.  I think it all depends on how you got started learning the tarot.  I can't speak for all readers but only myself.  So basically in this post, while I drink my white Chardonnay, I want to share with you my musings on this subject.

I started off reading the LWB (little white book) that comes in the tarot box and spending hours at Barnes + Nobles scouring the new age section looking for tarot books.  I have literally spent hundreds of dollars on them!  Now mind you, this was all when I was in my teens.  Yes I worked and had my own money to spend!   I didn't have a mentor or anyone I could really learn from or even confide in about these cards.  I had to learn all on my own. There wasn't the internet then as there is today so the only information I was able to get was from books.  Damn I feel old now! Let me take another sip of this wine... I didn't even know that you could read cards intuitively.  Of course it's a natural process, as soon as you pick up a card your initial reaction can show you what that card means but I didn't trust my instincts.  I didn't think it was possible to know.  However in some books, later on,  I did read about intuitive readings.  So from there I started to try to build a relationship with the cards and get a feel for them however it was too late.  The traditional, text book meanings were so ingrained in  my head it was difficult to remove myself from them.  Studying tarot is no easy feat and it takes years before you can call yourself a reader.  Even readers who've been doing this for years and years are still learning!

After many years I decided to delve back into this intuitive thing.  I pulled daily cards and stared at the image until something popped out.  It could be something as silly as the Page of Swords' messy hair which reminded me of my own hair on a lazy day at home.  And sure enough that day I would be home, doing nothing, my hair up in a ponytail like his!  But getting a feel for the cards, seeing what images stand out, what colors stand out, throwing yourself inside the image as if you were a fellow character..these are ALL ways to connect with your cards and to gain enormous insight that a traditional meaning can NOT give you.  And it worked!  So I was hooked.

Looking back, I wish I had never opened a tarot book.  I wish I had never read any meanings or numerology on them.  I truly feel, and this is my personal opinion, that the cards are a tool to open our 3rd eyes and WE have the best answers.  They just help us figure it out more easily.  I wish I could go back and look at all the cards and read them the way I would intuitively but now it's impossible.  Before each reading I set an intention on how I want to read the cards.  Either by traditional meanings, intuitively or both.  It all depends on the mood I'm in.

Tips for Reading Intuitively Using Your Clairs:
 -Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing):  look at the image and what is the first thing your eyes are drawn to? Is it the King's shoes? What about those shoes? What do those shoes make you think of? Is it the color you're looking at? Or maybe the mountain in the background stands out.  What do mountains mean to you? Obstacles? Beauty?
-Clairsentience (Clear Feeling):  How does the image make you feel? What is the overall energy of the card? What are they doing? Put yourself in the image and feel the environment.  Does it feel warm, cold, energetic, happy, depressing, etc?
-Clairaudience (Clear Hearing):  Put yourself in the card and imagine what the character(s) are saying.  Do you hear them? Are they yelling, crying, singing, whispering? 

How do you read cards?  What do you think about this??  I'd love to hear from you!
So that's that! Thanks for reading this

Sara xoxo

PS-  Click here to check out my "FREE GOODIES" section to download my tarot worksheets called "bonding printables". It's an amazing tool to connect with the cards!


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