New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

Hey Starlights!  On Thursday Sept. 1st the new moon will be in Virgo.  Like with any new moon, it is the perfect time to set intentions, plant seeds and make goals for the forthcoming lunar cycle.  The fact that it is in Virgo, colors this new moon by placing an emphasis on the spheres it is associated with which are health + work.  Therefore it is beneficial to revolve your goals around these areas.
I designed this tarot spread to help you during this new moon.  The cards will show you what intentions to make rearding your health, work + in general, to give you a nudge in the right direction.  This way you don't make objectives aimlessly especially if they aren't good for you at this time.  The cards will show you exactly what you need during this month to get you on the track you're supposed to be on.
Let's break down this simple, 4-card spread.  I always begin by shuffling the cards and asking for my Spirit Guide to connect with me.  Once I feel the shuffling is finished + just right, I place down 4 cards.
Card 1- The goal you need to set regarding HEALTH.  My card is the Ace of Cups reversed.  I'm going to read this card in terms of my body and health status.  This card +  my intuition tells me that i need to lay off the alcohol (cups suit reversed) and over indulging in food!  Stress eating is only momentarily satisfying.  I need to find other ways to deal with bouts of depression or emotional upset such as going out and being active.  So a goal i should set is to be strong and not give in to food + drink too much.
Card 2-  The goal you need to set regarding WORK.  This card is The Wheel of Fortune reversed. soon as I see this reversed I think of bad how is this a goal i need to set?? Well, it could be telling me that I need to be optimistic during this time and embrace and accept any change that may occur on the work front.   It urges me to not take any risks now and no gambling! This is a temporary period and I should just wait it out.  Therefore a goal I should set now is to accept anything that comes my way and to have strength to not let the cycles of work life affect me negatively.
Card 3- The goal you need to set in GENERAL.  This card is The Magician reversed. Yet another reversed card! His message is that I need to be more confident in my abilities in skills.  He urges me to pursue my dreams, perfect my skills and give my undivided attention to my goals.  I need to focus and have a clear plan.  I need to gain more knowledge, be well prepared + communicate clearly.
Card 4- Advice from Spirit-  Ace of Pentacles- Turn your ideas into something tangible.  Many opportunities to make money are coming my way.  I am advised to manifest my desires into reality. I need to get real this month, ground myself, use common sense and be practical.  I need to focus on money, my health and building a solid foundation.

So there you have it!  How would you read these cards? Leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you!  If you try this on yourself let me know how it goes!
Happy New Moon my Starlights
Sara xoxo
